Monday, June 8, 2009

About me [not rily]

I know this is the wrongest thing to be doing right now, but I cant help myself. I'm at work alryt, but I'm not doing anything useful, and i'm about to fall asleep on my desk, which i'l never allow happen, not in a thousand years.

anyway, i think i should introduce myself already. well, here goes:

I'm a girl under 21 years, i'm in college, studying something along engineering lines [and engineers shldnt have time for stuff like this, right? right.]

Well, as I was saying, I'm in college, but right now I'm on IT [Industrial Training is something you do when you get to ur 4th year, as an engineer-to-be. it usually lasts 6 months, during wat is supposed to be ur 2nd semester].

I'm on IT and I work in this company, where i have a very crazy boss. The guy is incredible, u think u'r perfectionistic? u havnt met my boss. I could go on and on about him, but I think i'l leave that for another day.

So, i'v been working here for the past 3 months, I havnt learnt jack, cuz they put me in the wrong department, despite all my protests [and trust me, there's nuthin worse than working a job u hate, with a paycheck wey no join at all.] and i'm tired already....i went weeping to my folks, who promised to get me another place [yeah, i'm still their little girl, and before you judge me, i actually tried to get another place by myself, but it didnt work, so i had to fall back on the good old folks' connections...u know how it is in Naija]

Anyway, I'm still waiting for the connexn thingy to click, should take less than a week, hopefully, and [drumroll,please] i'l be outta here, for good. But till then, I'm sitting at my desk, trying to make the best of a bad situation....but there's only so much I can do, abi?

I'm rily gonna miss all my friends here when i leave sha...

Ok, I know I hvnt said much about myself, but I eventually will, I promise. Ciao!!!!

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